Security Key Setup


Some accounts may require additional authentication.  Process details on how to set up a security key.


  1. Navigate to on your computer’s web browser (MS Edge, Chrome, etc).
  2. Enter your Qualfon email address on the Microsoft login screen. Click on Next.

  3. Enter your Password on the next screen and click Sign in.

  4. Under the Security Info screen, click on + Add sign-in method and Security Key. Click Add.

  5. Choose the connection type of USB Device.

  6. Follow the prompts and select Security Key.

  7. Click on OK.

  8. Click on OK again.

  9. Enter a password (used every time), then tap the security key when prompted. Now your security key is set up for 2 Factor Authentication (2FA).

  10. Name the device Fido Key to complete registration

Revision History

Date Created: 12/18/2024 4:42 pm EST
Last Modified: 12/18/2024 4:42 pm EST