Agent / Rocket Chat


Logging Into Agent / Rocket Chat
Logging Out of Agent / Rocket Chat
Introduction Process details how to logout of Agent / Rocket Chat. Details Go to the Account dashboard. Select Logout . ...
Channels & Channel Creation
Introduction Page details what channels within Agent / Rocket Chat and how to create channels. Details Channels Public channels (also called channels for short) are for conversations that are open to your entire team. A channel can be joined b...
Messaging in Agent / Rocket Chat
Introduction Process details how to sent, edit and delete messages within Agent / Rocket Chat.  Also how to notify a single person or an entire channel. Details Composing a message a person simply types a message in the message  box  and press...
Setting up Channel Moderator
Introduction Process details how to set up a channel moderator within Agent / Rocket Chat. Details Once Channels are created by the Owner, Moderators will be setup per Channel. Open the Channel – Example: #welcome Channel. Select Member  ...